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Challenges TBI

Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury is a condition where an external force causes a change in brain function or other damages to the brain.

Children who have had a traumatic brain injury can expect:

Cognitive alterations
– Impairments in one or more abilities, such as: thought processing, speech, physiological function, motor function, and social behavior.
– Language issues, communication deficiencies, vocabulary loss and trouble learning new things.

Physical changes
-Weak muscular coordination
-Swallowing issues
-Complete or partial paralysis

These impairments may cause a lot of irritability and frustration within the child.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) induces trauma and impairs the fight-or-flight reflex.
Certain reflexes, such as the moro reflex, will resurface. Integrating the moro reflex will help to regulate a child’s behavior, inner control, and stress levels, as well as allow for more integrated cognition and movement to develop over time.

In this case we use a combination of:
– Reflex Integration to address the dysfunctional reflexes
– Hemispheric Integration to address the damaged areas of the brain that need the most support
– Speech and Feeding therapy to address sucking, swallowing, speech and communication challenges

In addition to other cutting-edge techniques to get the best results.

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